Announcement: distlib 0.3.7 released on PyPI

Version 0.3.7 of distlib has recently been released on PyPI. For newcomers, distlib is a library of packaging functionality which is intended to be usable as the basis for third-party packaging tools.

The main changes in this release are as follows:

  • Handle bare newlines when parsing metadata.

  • Use version comparison logic for python_full_version.

  • Fix shebang computation for source builds of Python.

  • Extract tarfiles more safely by incorporating tarfile filters.

  • Check for has_cert attribute before using it.

  • Fix #200: Improve conformance to PEP440.

  • Fix #203: Handle parsing of export entries to allow script names such as “,” or “,foo”.

A more detailed change log is available here.

Please try it out, and if you find any problems or have any suggestions for improvements, please give some feedback using the issue tracker!

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Does the “standard” toolchain, such as it is - things like build, twine etc. - use this as well?

Pip vendors it. We’ll pick up the new release in due course, and it will be in the next pip release (in October). I don’t know for other tools.