Contributions as a beginner

Greetings everyone. I am a python enthusiast and has recently started learning Python and want to contribute in open source projects related to Python, but I dont know where to start as there are so many sources out there? Would you mind helping me so that I can gain some familiarity? Thankyou in advance.

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The best way to start contributing to open source, in my opinion, is to solve a problem you have encountered yourself.

Perhaps you have found a bug in a Python tool you regularly use? If so, check the tool’s issue tracker to see if the bug is known. If it is, try to fix it! If not, report it! Writing good bug reports is in itself a very valuable way to contribute to open source.

Github also has a “good-first-issue” topic you can browse: good-first-issue · GitHub Topics · GitHub. Issues marked “good-first-issue” have been determined by a project maintainer to be suitable for beginners to take on, so they offer a potential stepping-off point for new contributors.