Python.exe entry Point not Found if i try open Python or try to Install In Windows 2008 Server 6.0.6003 Service Pack2

I am getting below error message Python.exe entry Point not Found if i try open Python or try to Install In Windows 2008 Server 6.0.6003 Service Pack2

python.exe - entry point not found --------------------------- the procedure entry point getactiveprocessorcount could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll

The issue also happening for Installing Python 3.8.10 also

You neglected to state which other version(s) of Python you tried to install, but it must be 3.8 or above if the problem is due to the lack of WinAPI GetActiveProcessorCount(). Python 3.8 requires at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 (NT 6.1+), updated with service pack 1 and KB2533623.

The difference in support lifecycle between desktop and server versions of Windows is problematic in Python’s PEP 11 support policy. Microsoft’s extended support for Windows Vista (NT 6.0) ended on 2017-04-11, so Python 3.7+ doesn’t support Vista. However, extended support for both Server 2008 (NT 6.0) and Server 2008 R2 ended on 2020-01-14. Thus, according to PEP 11, Python 3.8 (2019-10-14) should support Server 2008, which was released more than 11 years prior (2008-02-04). If Server 2008 has to be supported, then one may as well support Vista, too. They’re both NT 6.0 systems. For example, neither supports GetActiveProcessorCount(), so it would have to be imported dynamically via GetProcAddress(), with fallback support for older systems.