Previous nominations
- 2019 (elected with the second highest vote count; 1 vote difference from #1)
- 2020 (elected, tied for the highest number of votes)
- 2021 (elected with 4th highest vote count; 5 vote difference from #1)
First, if you have been happy with how the steering council has gone up to this point, then please consider voting for me. If the SC has not functioned in a way you approve of, then you should probably not vote for me. The SC purposefully projects a unified voice and I stand by that decision, and thus anything coming out of the SC should also be considered coming from me.
(Current) 2022 goals
- Defining what the stdlib is and how to manage it (started the discussion in How do we want to manage additions/removals to the stdlib? )
- Clearer definition of platform support (e.g. tiered support like what Rust has?)
- Make it easy to compile CPython to WebAssembly (and WASI specifically)
- Easier installation story (i.e. is there a way to give people a zip file of a built CPython on all major platforms and make building that zip file part of our release process?)